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QA Weekly

QA Weekly - 136[24/12/16]

by Zeromk2 2024. 12. 16.



이번 위클리에는

  • jayesh karkar
  • Sidharth Shukla
  • Ekaterina Noga
  • Julia Kocbek
  • Asavari Sharma
  • Uros Simic
  • th@n@n

의 포스팅으로 함께 합니다!

136번째 위클리 시작합니다


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Hot Topic

December 2024 Quality Engineering Meetup in Amsterdam

2024년 12월 암스테르담 품질 엔지니어링 미팅


December 2024 Quality Engineering Meetup in Amsterdam

Videos and key takeaways from three talks at Qase's Amsterdam Quality Engineering Meetup in December 2024.




Software standards at risk as QA teams face new levels of pressure

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LambdaTest Closes $38 Million to Revolutionize QA with AI Native QA Agent-as-a-Service

LambdaTest, AI 네이티브 QA 에이전트-as-a-Service로 QA 혁신을 위해 3,800만 달러 투자 유치


LambdaTest Closes $38 Million to Revolutionize QA with AI Native QA Agent-as-a-Service

With this funding, LambdaTest plans to advance KaneAI, launching AI Native QA Agent-as-a-Service to transform software QA with AI-driven…




QA Basic

Top 15 Mobile App Testing Tools

최고의 15개 모바일 앱 테스팅 도구 입니다.

어떤 도구를 사용할 지 고민이 있으시다면 이런 글들이 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


15 Mobile App Testing Tools to Perfect Your App Experience

Check out our list of the best mobile testing tools for 2025! Compare features, ease of use, and support to find the perfect fit for your app’s success




14 Must-Know Insights for Every Test Automation Engineer & SDET

모든 테스트 자동화 엔지니어 및 SDET를 위한 꼭 알아야 할 14가지 통찰력


14 Must-Know Insights for Every Test Automation Engineer & SDET

Telegram Group: https://t.me/+FTf_NPb--GQ2ODhl YouTube channel: https://lnkd.in/gGUGmb-P LinkedIn…




QA Testing

Testing with a Bug in My Head (Not the Software Kind)

내 머리 속의 버그로 테스트하기(소프트웨어 종류가 아님) 입니다.

계획한 테스트 활동이 잘 마무리되었는데도 불안함을 느끼는 분들이 계시다면 꼭 한번 읽어주세요


Testing with a Bug in My Head (Not the Software Kind)

Working in QA, I often hear a voice in my head, “Are you sure you’ve checked everything?” Sometimes it’s a helpful nudge, but if left…




Test smart: how to explore a product like Sherlock?

똑똑하게 테스트하세요: 셜록과 같은 제품을 알아보는 방법은? 입니다.

메뉴얼 테스트와 탐색적 테스팅에 대해 설명해주고 있네요.


Test smart: how to explore a product like Sherlock?

The daunting discussion around automated vs human-driven testing pushed me to arm myself with a pen again and write more about a diamond…




Automation & Engineering

Selenium Testing: The Complete Step-by-Step Tutorial

셀레늄 테스트: 완전한 단계별 튜토리얼 입니다.

selenium에 대한 상세한 설명과 함께 튜토리얼이 설명되어있네요.


Understanding Selenium Testing: From Basics to Execution

Discover everything you need to know about Selenium testing in this comprehensive guide. Learn its history, components, how it works, challenges, and tips for successful automation testing.




How To Achieve Clean Code In Test Automation?

테스트 자동화에서 깔끔한 코드를 얻는 방법은? 입니다.

이것 아주 중요한 부분이라고 생각합니다. 테스트 자동화 프레임워크가 더 커지고 복잡해질 수록 이런 코드 규칙은 필수입니다. 해당 글이 첨부되었던 글도 같이 첨부합니다.


How To Achieve Clean Code In Test Automation? - QA essentials

Do you have trouble with writing understandable, maintainable clean code in test automation? Read about the best practice in this article




Testing Challenge - Clean Up My Code - QA essentials

Are you looking for ways to practice your understanding of clean code in test automation? Try completing our Clean Up My Code challenge




Mastering Visual Regression Testing in WDIO (WebdriverIO) with TypeScript: A Practical Approach

TypeScript를 사용한 WDIO(WebdriverIO)에서 시각적 회귀 테스트 마스터링: 실용적인 접근 방식 입니다.

매우 상세한 가이드 입니다.


Mastering Visual Regression Testing in WDIO (WebdriverIO) with TypeScript: A Practical Approach - JigNect Technologies Pvt Ltd m

Visual testing has become essential in modern test automation, ensuring applications not only function correctly but also look flawless. Unlike functional testing, which checks behaviour, visual testing focuses on UI appearance detecting changes in layouts




Automatic Broken Link Detection with Playwright

Playwright를 사용한 자동 끊어진 링크 감지 입니다.

이것 저도 요새 하고 있는데 이런 방법으로도 구현할 수 있겠군요


Automatic Broken Link Detection with Playwright

When testing sales-based websites, such as e-commerce platforms or media and entertainment sites, validating individual items can be a…





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Top 16 Automation Testing Tools 2024 | Katalon

Choosing the best automation testing tools can be tricky and there are many options. See our list of top automation test frameworks and tools.



- ADB 명령어로 할 수 있는 것은 어떤 것이 있나요


Mastering Android: A Comprehensive Guide to ADB Commands | LambdaTest

Unlock the full potential of your Android device with these ADB Commands.



Chrome에서 Python Selenium으로 웹 자동화 마스터하기.


Mastering Web Automation With Python Selenium On Chrome | LambdaTest

Utilize Chrome and Python Selenium to master the art of web automation while following best practices for fluid, effective, and dependable automation.



- Appium 설치 방법


How to Install Appium: Setting Up And Configuring For Mobile App Testing | LambdaTest

Learn How to Install Appium to make testing mobile apps easier. Utilize Appium for both Android and iOS platforms to streamline your testing process



- Appium Capability 설정 방법


A Complete Tutorial to Appium Capabilities for Mobile Automation

This Appium tutorial discusses useful Appium capabilities for mobile automation testing.



- Macbook에서 Python/Appium으로 iPhone 제어하기 (0~1)


Controlling an iPhone With Python/Appium on A Macbook (0 to 1)

I couldn’t find a guide with enough details, so I made my own.



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How To Use XPath in Selenium: Complete Guide With Examples | LambdaTest

Deep dive into XPath in Selenium tutorial and discover its types, techniques, and capture strategies for robust automated testing.




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